How to install jdbc driver for mysql in linux command line
How to install jdbc driver for mysql in linux command line


For the Windows configuration option, choose whether or not to install the MySQL Server as a Windows service.For more information, see Configuring Database Character Encoding. This will ensure Confluence's support for internationalization. For the MySQL server's default character set, choose Best Support For Multilingualism (in other words, UTF-8).Refer to the MySQL documentation on setting the networking and server SQL modes for further information.

how to install jdbc driver for mysql in linux command line

  • For the networking options, ensure the Enable TCP/IP Networking and Enable Strict Mode options are selected (default).
  • Refer to the MySQL documentation for further information. You can use one of the presets or enter a number manually.

    how to install jdbc driver for mysql in linux command line

    Set the approximate number of concurrent connections permitted to suit your Confluence usage requirements.Set the InnoDB Tablespace settings to your requirements.Using the MyISAM storage engine can lead to data corruption in Confluence. You must use the InnoDB storage engine with Confluence. Choose Transactional Database Only to ensure that your MySQL database will use InnoDB as its default storage engine.This will affect the MySQL Server's usage of memory, disk and CPU resources.

    how to install jdbc driver for mysql in linux command line

    Choose the type of MySQL Server that best suits your hardware requirements.If you are connecting Confluence to your existing MySQL server, choose Reconfigure Instance.Using an earlier version? See Database Setup For MySQL in Confluence 7.2 and earlier. These instructions apply to Confluence 7.3 and later.

    How to install jdbc driver for mysql in linux command line